two days left…

The end of 2009 also marks the close of the public comment period for New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation’s Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (dSGEIS) — the 803-page document that claims to offer a “safe” way to regulate oil and gas exploration and exploitation, specifically hydraulic fracturing for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale.

Marcellus Shale

Marcellus Shale; Source: Appalachian Fracture Systems, Modified from U.S. Geological Survey sources

Green Guerrillas do not want gas drilling anywhere… NOT in our backyards, and NOT in your backyards either.

Natural gas drilling using high volume, high pressure, slick water hydraulic fracturing affects 31 states directly… and everyone else indirectly.  The Marcellus Shale stretches from New York to Tennessee.  We are asking for all who can to take a few moments to check out the latest news and SIGN ON to the Coalition Letter requesting that New York Governor Paterson WITHDRAW the dSGEIS:

Gas, Shale, and “Hydrofracking”, On Point with Tom Ashbrook, 12-10-09

Activists say, “No Fracking Way!”, Workers’ World Newspaper, 12-20-09

City Officials Say Drilling in NYC Watershed Has Risks, New York Times, 12-23-09

As NY Mulls Hydrofracking Regulations, Gas Companies Lease Land in CNY Watersheds, The Syracuse Post-Standard, 12-28-09

Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force Statement on Hydraulic Fracturing, RE is available now for the future of Our Children’s Children’s Children

We will continue to keep you posted, and encourage you to get informed and involved in 2010.

get informed & get involved!



Our Futures are NOT for sale… how about yours?

~ by guerrillagriots on December 29, 2009.

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